Eastwood School Poster Competition Winners

Winners from Eastwood Primary School

Congratulations to the hardworking pupils of Eastwood Primary School who created some fabulous posters to promote walking as a fun healthy activity for all to take part in. The posters have since been displayed in Airedale Shopping centre and the winners from each class have been professionally printed into postcards. 

1JR - Zahra

1JR – Zahra

1MB - Sarah

1MB – Sarah

2JB - Aliysha

2JB – Aliysha

3NW - Malikah

3NW – Malikah

4KW - Habiba

4KW – Habiba

4MI - Anjuma

4MI – Anjuma

5HB - Ifzaa

5HB – Ifzaa

5JT - Amirah

5JT – Amirah

6LC - Sumayyah

6LC – Sumayyah